“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”
Can you help?
Have fun, meet new people and support a great cause! We need parents and friends of Samuel Gilbert Public School to help out with setup, stalls and activities on Fete Day and with setup the day before the Fete.
Whether you can spare 1 to 2 hours or the whole day, we're grateful for any assistance you can provide. Many hands make light work!
See the sign-up links for each area below to find the time slots that suit you!
Thank you for your time!
Set-up - Saturday 19 August
Help setting up the day before the Fete
Set-up - Sunday 20 August
Help setting up the morning of the Fete
Upcycle Stall - Various dates available
Accepting, sorting and selling donations
Market Stalls
Measuring, marking areas for stalls and assisting coordinators
Cake Stall
Selling home-baked cakes and treats
Entertainment - stage hands
Help check in entertainers and get events ready
Gilbert Grill BBQ
Cooking and serving snags
Lolly Stall
Selling lollies and treats
Rides Ticket Booth
Selling rides tickets and distributing unlimited rides armbands
Silent Auction and Giant Raffle
Selling raffle tickets and assisting bidders with the Silent Auction
Fete Treasurer Support
Assist the Finance Team
Pack Down and Cleanup
Cleaning up and packing down to leave the Oval in tip-top shape!
Spots filled/total spots*
20/20 (FULL)
4/4 (FULL)
*Numbers accurate as of 19 August